Things Nobody Tells You

And Other Observations

B. Élisse Smith
1 min readApr 14, 2021

Sometimes it’s necessary to go to bed way early. To leave the dishes in the sink. To let the play room stay the way the toddler left it.

Growing up, everyone tells you that working hard and perserverance is necessary to get ahead in life. What they don’t tell you is just how damned tired you will be.

They might allude to it, but no one explicitly states the slow creep of an ache into your hands, and wrists, and fingers.

Nobody warns you about how hard it will be when your spouse is recovering from a surgery. Through sickness and in health. Through man-flu’s and back surgeries.

These are things nobody tells you, but you know: I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world.

I’m tired, but I’ve got a beautiful daughter, a loving (and healthy) husband, a roof over my head, and a world of knowledge at my fingertips. Nobody tells you any of this, because it’s a dish better experienced than described.

Now I must sleep before I go cross-eyed, permanently.



B. Élisse Smith

Mommy. Wife. Writer of Words. My Toddler thinks I’m hilarious. She’s hilarious-er.